Dana Szarf
School Consultant

Dana is the parent of two daughters. She lives with them and her husband in Brooklyn.

Dana has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and an Early Childhood Education degree from Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela. She was the Director and owner of Casa Montessori, a bilingual Preschool for 10 years in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Prior to that, she worked as a Montessori teacher for over 20 years in some of the top NYC preschools.  

Her experience as an educator inspired her to create Casa Parenting where she guides families in Brooklyn tackle their child's education journey. She helps families understand the admissions process and explore the school landscape, both private and public. From deciding between a day care vs a pre-school to understanding the ins and outs of NYC Public Schools, Dana also assists parents through the emotional side of the process.

As a parenting coach, Dana helps parents identify their strengths and challenges in their parenting journey so they can feel empowered and confident in their parental role.  She offers support, suggestions, and solutions as parenting situations arise or evolve. Parents gain new perspectives and skills which they may carry with them as they continue their parenthood journey.


Make Informed Choices ...

Thinking of moving to Brooklyn?

Weighing the choice between public or private school?

Wondering about your zoned school and other options?

Navigating NYC public school after years in private school?

Confused and stressed about your middle school choices?

Daunted by the NYC high school directory?

Just feel like you don't have enough information to decide?

Lets talk.