What happens when middle and high school offers come out?

By Joyce Szuflita

First, patience is a virtue.
High School offers come out on Thursday, March 6.
Middle School offers come out on Wednesday, April 9.
View the DoE’s tutorial about getting your offer and info about the waitlists.

Generally offers are released after school through your MYSCHOOLS account, but roll out is often very haphazard.

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essential prek information

By Joyce Szuflita
Here is what you need to know about placement:
You will be ranking up to 12 choices on your MY SCHOOLS application through March 16, 2020. Don’t wait until the last min., the website often gets glitchy. Take screen shots of any trouble you have and of your final list, just in case you have difficulty. You can always fix it at the Family Welcome Center if you tell them of your troubles in a timely way.

  • The biggest misunderstanding about prek is that you will be attending at your zoned school. There are about 75,000 kids on a grade in NYC. There are around 30,000 prek seats in public schools. Those seats, depending on the neighborhood, will go first to siblings of zoned students and then occasionally to some zoned students. The other 40,000 seats will be in a variety of places; NYCEEC’s, Prek Centers, a few Un-zoned schools and a few Charter Schools.

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